Tahukah anda,
Hampir 90% sistem ketahanan badan kita ditentukan oleh sistem pencernaan dan kesihatan usus?
How is the digestive tract involved in immunity?
The digestive tract provides a protective interface between our internal environment and a constantly challenging external environment. Approximately 70% of the human immune system is localized in the digestive tract. The surface of the intestinal mucosal membranes is protected by a local adaptive immune system, characterized by gut-associated lymphoid tissue.
How can one improve their digestive defense system?
An important component of the digestive defense system is a variety of friendly bacteria, often referred to as gastrointestinal microflora, that aid digestion and enhance your body's own digestive immune response. Both friendly and unfriendly bacteria form a delicate, yet dynamic balance as they compete to adhere and colonize the mucosa of the digestive tract. Stress, traveling, alcohol consumption, certain foods, and a poor diet can disturb the delicate balance of our digestive tract. A healthy balance of intestinal flora can be restored through the consumption of food or food supplement products that contain friendly live bacteria cultures, commonly known as probiotics.
PROBIO PCC Membantu melegakan simptom berkaitan dengan masalah ketidakselesaan usus (GI), sembelit, cirit-birit dan masalah usus yang lain.
Pharmanex Probio PCC menggunakan bakteria eksklusif yang terlindung dari bahana saluran pencernaan manusia dengan kaedah kajian kultur saintifik. Bakteria PCC hidup dalam persekitaran yang berasid yang tinggi di dalam perut dan berkesan melindungi sel-sel dalam dinding usus.
Dengan pengenalan DNA, setiap kapsul Probio PCC dijamin mengandungi sekurang-kurangnya 2 bilion L.fermentum PCC aktif sehingga akhir jangka hayat produk.
Dapatkan Probio PCC dengan saya.
019-5258 342
Authorised NuSkin Distributor
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